Message From Vice Principal

Message From Vice Principal

college vice principal


Mahmuda Parveen
Akij College of Home Economics

Welcome to the Akij college of Home Economics website.  As the Vice Principal of Akij College of Home Economics I am very fortunate to work with many dedicated, innovative and caring staff members, parents and students.  Each day is filled with new experiences, learning for all, and the ability to make someone’s day better; many days it is the students who make my day a little brighter.

Akij College of Home Economics curriculum and practices are consistently reviewed to ensure that we are following the most updated best practices, meeting all regulations, and addressing the future needs of our students.   Our staff consistently follows current trends and in collaboration with administration, creates a plan of action to incorporate those trends that are most appropriate into the classrooms.  One of the largest areas of growth is the increase usage of technology in our classrooms.  I am very much great full to be a part of Akij College Home Economics. Best wishes for honorable founder Sheikh Sabina and the entire stakeholder of this College.